Beks Systems
Beks systems brings you...The ultimate Van Organiser! Providing you with more storage space for your company car.
Could you ever imagine a system that provides cost efficent and time saving storage.......well here it is
Beks Systems trays are super tough. How do we know? ........ because we test them with weights up to 100kg
Built and designed by Pieter Beks, their storage trays are like nothing you have ever seen before.

Specialised in floor draw systems, with unique drawer conductors and a patented locking system of the drawer.

Comes with a 7-year warranty provided the product is used as designed

High load capacity of between 60kg - 100kg weight capacity per draw depending on the type of draw installed.

Crash proof, while being completely sealed all around to protect your equipment

Made from low weight material. This benifits you as it results in fuel saving or larger action radius.